Why You Need A Customized Mailchimp Signup Form To Increase Signups

Mailchimp is one of the most popular email marketing platforms. As a freelancer, I have done many jobs that involved Mailchimp; from integrating signup forms, to creating and publishing email campaigns.

To run a successful email marketing campaign, you need a list of email addresses. Thanks to Mailchimp and other email marketing platforms, there’s a very simple way to build an email list. With Mailchimp, you are able to generate a signup form, place it on your website so that interested website users can fill out and submit the form to receive emails from you.

Default Mailchimp Signup Form

The form you generate from Mailchimp is usually very basic and with the web being what it is today, you need something really impressive and catchy to get desired results, hence the need for a custom mailchimp signup form.


default mailchimp signup form

Lots of websites use the default signup forms. I have seen it round, you have seen it around, there’s really nothing special about it. To stand out from the crowd and look unique or special, you need something different, something appealing, something with its own look and feel.


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Customized Mailchimp Signup Form

A customized Mailchimp signup form enables you to apply individual styles to each form field to make it look better and more appealing to your website users. A custom signup form also enables you to add more information in a form of texts, images, buttons, etc. to the form or its container.


Don’s just customize the form fields, do something about the form container

mailchimp signup form container illustration

The form container is the box that contains your form. A signup form container with images or video will easily draw users attention to the form which simply means more signups. We have 3 beautiful Mailchimp signup form widgets (with well designed containers) that you will find very useful on your website. Click here to download custom mailchimp form widgets.


A beautiful signup form, placed in a well designed and informative website will definitely get you more signups needed to build a robust email list. See also, how to create a customized Mailchimp signup form.



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